I slept well last night… Apart from it being a tiny bit cold and needing an extra blanket. After two days working on the plane I needed a good sleep… And that is what I got. I am planning on going for a run this morning – the weather does not look too bad, so I am guessing that I will be able to do about 3-4km. But as normal we will have to wait until I get outside to see how that goes.

The iPod is a great piece of engineering – they have put so much technology into such a neat package. From an expandability viewpoint there are some cute interfaces available on the iPod through the bottom connector, such as the ability to move between tracks and the like. This would give the ability to place navigation buttons on the steering wheel if one wanted to do that… So the Panocamera web site has some instructions on how to build a breakout box to assist you in working on some of these hardware projects.

The same site as suggested that side also showed a link to the mens health magazine, and an article on 18 body tricks. This list includes suggestions like rubbing your ear to fix a tickle in your throat and even coughing during an injection if you cannot stand the pain. One of the most interesting suggestions is for people who get a stich when running. According to the article this is caused by the diaphram and the liver hitting. The answer is to exhale as the left foot hits the ground!

Finally, the government is looking at nuclear power. The view is that Australia is exporting Uranium, and if it is OK to export then it is OK to use locally. In the 1960’s I believe it was, and few people know this, the government started building a power station at Jervis Bay. They got as far as building the foundations, and got no further because of political issues. The foundations are still there and are aparently used as a car park.