I hope to get lots of building done today – The idea is that if possible we get some painting done tomorrow. We will have to see how that goes I think… Maybe we will just get the prep work done… We will se…

Wired magazine has a story about a man in Alaska who wants to install a Cyclotron in his garage in order to generate radioactive isotopes for PET scans. The locals are rather scared, comparing this device to a nuclear reactor. Whilst I am not convinced that the Cyclotron is dangerous, I am inclined to think that it should be installed in a business park, not inside a home. Hmm.

The O’Reily MAKE magazine has released their list of christmas gifts generally under US$100. Some of these are pretty geeky, and I think many would only appeals to a subset of geeks too. Still, not a bad list.

Whirlpool has a story listing the current state of the VoIP playing field in Oz. Interesting. It looks like Telstra is attempting to bypass the ACCC as part of shutting down the CDMA network. This is to be expected of the current Telstra management I guess. Also on the telco side, Skype have just released a beta which includes video calling. The LA Times is reporting that Scientists have found Ebola in three species of fruit bats commonly used for food in Africa. This could explain where the disease hides when there are no infections for years.