There is a story in the Denver Post about how a scammer made his own barcodes for items that cost about $5 and added them to iPods selling for $150. The scam artist was found out when a guard at the exit noticed that the receipt said that the person had purchased a set of headphones rather than the iPod.

A deluxe edition of Titanic has been released on four DVD’s. In this case, the movie with multiple commentry is on the first two DVD’s, with additional content on the other two DVD’s. Might have to check out the price of this one. See how expensive it is…

Airbus is looking at building parts of some of their plans in china as part of a deal with China to buy 70 A320 planes. This would be the first time that Airbus planes have been built outside Europe. Given the union issues in the USA, it is unlikely that the USA and Boeing would follow the Airbus lead. Also in news with Airlines, QANTAS has announced that they will be dropping comissions on airline flights. Apparently the domestic base commission of 1% will be discontinued, and the international 7% will be reduced to 5%.