Long time visitors to this Web Site (actually most people) realise that Radioactive Networks has nothing to do with Nuclear Material, bombs, uranium or anything like that. It has to do with radio based computer networks. That said, a friend sent me a link to United Nuclear which does sell nuclear material, but only within the USA. Personally I love some of their T-Shirts.

There is one which I suspect might freak a few people out… It says “There are no problems that can’t be solved with a suitable use of explosives‘, and has the ‘United Nuclear’ logo on the back. Hey, maybe this could be a new Radioactive Networks Slogan. They also have some other semi-cool shirts. I have been meaning to get some polo shirts made… These might give me some ideas…

Time Magazine has released their people of 2005. They are Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono from U2. All are being awarded for their charity work.