The Independant in the UK is reporting that the UK is attempting to track every car journey in the country. They are intending to track usage of not only the motorways, but also traffic cameras and local CCTV cameras. This is a worying development, and seems to be the end of personal privacy. It is one thing to choose to place a GPS in a car. It is another to have it forced onto you…

The LA Times has a story about how the LAPD have just blown up 25 KG of dynamite after a standoff. They worked out that this was safer than trying to move the explosives. They are also reporting that the seaplane that crashed in Florida during the week had undetected cracks with the wing spans. What I found interesting was that the plane was actually built in 1947 so the plane was quite old.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting on a dinner party with the heads of Yahoo, Google and Microsoft email systems. Good read.