I have just finished entering all my DVD’s into DVD Profiler, and now actually know what I have in my collection. DVD Profiler’s database did not have any knowledge of only one of my DVD’s, and did not have cover art for another two. The one that it did not know about was ‘Dishonoured Lady’ staring Heddy Lamar. Given this movie is about 50 years old I am not surprised, but it is on DVD. [OK, so why do I have a movie this old and obscure? Well, she invented the technology I did my thesis on at Uni; the same technology in WiFi]

The two DVD’s that did not have the cover art were ‘Spinal Tap’ and ‘Teaching Mrs Tingle’. Both of these movies are not what I would call obscure. When I get a chance I will upload the art for these as well as the details for the Heddy Lamar movie.

The SMH has an article on the co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allen. He is what would be called a quiet achiever I guess, just keeping out of the spotlight.