The Worth1000 Web Site is often worth a visit. This time it is more so, as they have a competition ‘Glorifying the most perfect food’. If you have not worked it out, that is chocholate. I think my favourite image is the ‘Fudged Up Froggy’ right up the top – which is not quite a chocholate fish, but close enough. Actually reminds me of the Harry Potter chocholate frogs that come with the wizard cards. Also looking decidedly delicious are the ‘Chocomatos’ slightly further down. Despite looking cute, the bear just above ‘Chocomatos’ just looks slightly wrong.

I wish I was a good enough artist to be able to produce graphics like that. I really do. Unfortunately I cannot draw… I am sure that I would fail colouring in at Kindergarten if I went back. Actually, I was playing with a friends pre-schooler a few days back, and he looked at my hand which had some red texta on it and asked what I had done. Lying I told him that I had been colouring in and was not very good at it – really I had been using it to mark where some wood was to be cut, and was not very good at it.

I really did not get much crossed of my to-do list. I did work on a few things, but not much was complete. I did get a tracking system basically complete, sans the doccumentation. And I did also do some consulting on an aviation project, but I have yet to work out if there will be an income stream from that one…