I did a 3-4Km run a bit earlier. Same distance as my last time, although I think that I did it slightly faster. I cannot be sure. I really need to drag out my GPS and start taking it with me again. Until then I just have to guess. True to form, and in line with my guess I got a phone call about five minutes after starting – which promptly got put onto hands free and I kept running for the next five minutes or so that the phone call took. I survived that fairly well.

The second half of the run had very light misty rain falling at times. Once again my glasses saved my eyes from getting much water into them. Still, I can understand why people wear headbands. I have also done 20 situps. I can feel my tummy muscles getting stronger – but it does take time. And requires me to keep at the exercise.

I have started on the SMS tracker… It is fairly easy to do when I look at the details. In the next few days I will be getting a Benefon phone I purchased on eBay which will allow me to get it up and running. Cute fone – has a GPS built in allowing me to be tracked at any time… Hello Big Brother.

ZD Net has a story titled The Essence of a Geek.