The electrical wholesaler was a tiny bit more expensive than I had thought, but the client will be paying. Still, it would have been nice to get the price reduced slightly from what I ended up paying. Not much I can do about it though since it was all needed. I need to soon take some of the parts and get them made up into a panel I can install, along with a tiny bit of design work that I need to do too. Probably a good thing I am not working on the plane today then…

I have also been working on the SMS interface to my TeamTrack software. Right now the software will send out a POLL for a set of vehicles and display the positions when it is returned. The next features are to send a command to start tracking the phones every x seconds, and a cancel feature for when tracking is no longer needed. These features should be fairly quick to implement. Some models of the phones do not have the auto-track feature in-built so I need to implement that myself – it will probably just send an SMS out as a periodic event in order to fake the tracking feature – sort of an automatic POLL.

And if I get real energetic I need to mow the lawns. Yesterday evening when I was running I was pretty sure I could see the grass growing in parts. The lawns here are the same. If I wait a few days things will be really really horrible when I then go to mow. So I guess that is one more job. Good exercise though. [And a post script on the exercise, I managed not put on any weight over christmas and new-year. Not a bad achievement. ]