I have been receiving an eMail list for a while on Computer Aided Drafting issues. This goes back to my Pacific Power days. There was a great quote there today under the heading of ‘Spin Doctor of the Moment’. Jonathan Knowles, former Adobe employee now heading up DWF at Autodesk commented that “…I wouldn’t fly in an airplane that was designed from a PDF.

Thankfully the RV7 that I am helping Richard build is not built using PDF’s… Well, mostly not. Some of the manuals are scanned to PDF, but they are fairly safe. I hope… Maybe we should audit things later this week 🙂

Laptops are not the biggest ever area to be concentrated on by people modifying hardware. Actually, there are not many mods available at all. Even less to reduce the performance of the hardware. Nordic Hardware have released instructions on how to underpower CPU’s in laptops to improve battery life. Sounds like a cool concept! But I will NOT be trying it on my poor laptop! No Way!