Last night I watched the rest of the Jean Michele Jarre DVD – including a documenty called ‘Making the steamroller fly’. I found the show facinating – since it described some of his history with music and the development of his great outdoor shows. And how for his first big show on Bastille Day in France he was expecting a few thousand people, and over a million turned up. I certainly am glad that I purchased this DVD. I dont buy too many music DVD’s… This one was definitely worth it though… It also filled in some of the back stories as to why certain things were done in certain ways in previous concerts.

The first job on today is to update my to-do list. It is fairly up to date, but there are a few items that I have been meaning to add, some that have been finished, and some that have morphed into new tasks. One task was importing some data into a database for some canadians. Now the task has been morphed into checking this data with other sources and working out if there are any major differences.

Some time, probably this morning I will take a longer trip somewhere to test the tracking units. Maybe down to campbelltown, or into the city. Not sure yet. But somewhere where I can drive fast and slow to make sure that things are operating how I want them to. I also want to test a few more features on the trackers before they get shipped out too…