I am not sure what happened by overnight my Web Server on my local server here died. After spending some time looking for what was happening I could not find a thing. The Web Server would just not respoond. It happens. Restarting did not seem to help either which was strange. Thankfully restarting the server fixed the promlem making me suspect that maybe something like the TCP stack died. I will see what happens during the coming days and weeks to see if this is something more major. But things are up and running again.

Bug Reports are starting to filter to Microsoft on the Internet Explorer Beta 2. I have had some issues with it – not being able to upload files using a browser, but I do not know if this is related. Could have just been a glitch somewhere else on my PC. My guess is that microsoft will bring out a patch fairly soon to fix some of these issues. That is my hope.

Finally, Western Union has announced that they are no longer offering telegram services. You can no longer go to one of their offices and send a telegram. Not that there is much need these days with fax, email, cheap phone calls and the like. They are now only offering the sending money type services.