I did go for a run – I did about 3km. At the end of it I was starting to get out of breath. I guess I was pushing a bit harder than I normally did, or maybe it was slightly hotter than normal. Regardless it was a good session. As the days start to get slightly cooler I hope to get more exercise done. But one time I will not be doing that will be tomorrow morning when I need to take my mother to the oncologist for a six monthly checkup. We are not expecting anything to come up, but you can never tell. I think she finished her treatment 18 months back… 2004 was not a good time for her.

I have come to the conclusion I have FAR to many distractions here… FAR TOO MANY. I am trying to go through all my EMail messages, and deal with them all. Each time I do that I find new things that I want to do. Fun things. Distractions. It is not good. Some of the email messages do bring in money so that is at least a consolation…

I have heard from the SuitSat people. It seems that for whatever reason the satellite lauched yesterday is putting out very little power, and can barely be heard on earth. I tried a few times when driving yesterday, and heard nothing. Today I found out that people with pretty good earth stations have been trying and only get intermittent contact with the satellite. Still, my friend Steve Bible who is one of the main engineers on the project got 10 interviews yesterday including one on Fox News.