Sometimes it is easiest just to outsource work. In this particular case I really did not have any idea how to do the work. I had a HEX based string and needed to split it into Lat and Lon. Much easier in ‘C’ although I would still have had some issues. Some languages are just better than others for some applications.

I have to go to the post office soon.. I have five parcels to post, mostly from eBay. Tomorrow I will probably have a similar number to send off, subject to payment of course. They are all wrapped… I have a few nice rolls of duct tape that makes it easy to wrap just about anyting. Actually I am sure that I could just use duct tape and send the items that way… It would be strong enough.

Oh, over the weekend a friend sent me a report he has been working on with my vehicle tracking system, and suggested that some journey speeds might not be totally accurate. It seems that it is saying that each journey is between 100 and 300 km/h as an average speed. Well, I do not think so. I think I have a bug in there somewhere. Maybe I should check the math!