A few interesting things… First is that I have a meeting on Thursday afternoon about the child care centre. This is not an organisation I want to be on the board of, and certainly do not want to be on the board of for more than 12 months… But there are a couple of issues that need dealing with quickly… The most important is that the centre is not bringing in as many people as it should… In other words, there are too many vacancies. There are some proposals to fix this, but we will need to see more details. And there are a few issues that need to be resolved before the first meeting too.

The Wall Street Journal has a story about the geeks that go on tour with rock groups. More and more groups such as U2 or the Rolling Stones are taking geeks to fix computer and technical issues whilst on the road – things such as fixing the occasional PDA to working out how to get an X-Box to work. Sounds like some really cool jobs… Almost as cool as mine 🙂

Whenever I am in LA, I try to visit a store at Universal Citywalk called ‘Things from Another World’. It must have the best collection of movie and comic ‘stuff’ in any store I have ever seen… It is rather small, but well worth the visit… Well, they now have a Web Site… Although the web site does not do the place justice at all!