I mentioned yesterday that I had some issues with reports. I was getting average speeds that were in the hundreds of KM per hour. The reason is somewhat obvious now that I know. Let me explain… I have two variables – ThisTime and LastTime. And there is a one minute and twenty seconds between them. So to find the difference I used the following…

This was returning 20 seconds which gave a really fast average speed if the difference was over one minute. The correct thing to do was use

TotalSeconds is the number of seconds so that 1:20 becomes 80 TotalSeconds. And it is the number I wanted. The numbers then start making sense. As to why I did not pick up on this when I was doing the programming I have no idea. One of the deep mysteries of the universe.

Last night a friend of mine sent me an MSN by mistake… details of a radio direction finder device. It is something that I have had an interest in getting for the business for some time, although I think this particular one has a few issues with it…