I think I just managed to get out of a trip to Tamworth. I have been having some software issues, and I think I traced the issue to bad settings. It seems that the hardware that has been having issues did not have the correct settings loaded, and I have since uploaded new settings. I will see tomorrow how this has affected things. I am hoping that things will be much better of course. If not I will just be working through the issues to come up with a solution.

I found an interesting tool on the web… It contains a page that works out the distance between two points on the globe. Seems to work. The numbers make sense at least. They wanted the numbers as Latitude, and Longitude, and I could not remember which was which. I was told that Longitude is the Longer number… Makes perfect sense here in Oz where Longitude is somewhere between about 130 and 155 degrees.

And CNN has a story about how love is a drug as addictive as food and exercise… They suggest that Romance may be tied to reward system that can cause addiction. Interesting read actually… The quote at the end of the article was good… “You can know every ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and you still sit down and eat that chocolate cake and it’s wonderful, In the same way, you can know all the ingredients of romantic love and still feel that passion.”