I have done some contract programming in the past – and there was an issue with the software during the last week… So I started investigating this, getting the data together to debug the problem. Then something dawned on me – the program was not mine. I had thought that since I was sent the bug report that it was my software, rather than a similarly named product by one of their other contract programmers. OOps. Fixed now.

I think I got one of the quotes I put in this week too… One of the clients actually edited my proposal (with my OK) to make things clearer to those in his management chain. Looks really hopeful. Most of the work is being outsourced though which is not too bad… I will get a percentage…

XM Satellite Radio in the USA have released their current profit and loss figures. In the last 12 months they lost something like US$670m. That is a LOT of money. 80% of this was spent on advertising. The previous year they lost a similar amount. It intrigues me how companies can continue to keep moving like this – spending so much money. The problem is that there are two companies competing in the same space, and neither are winning…