My BAS return needs to be in by next tuesday which means it is definitly time to do my accounts. This involves entering all my purchases, any payments that have come in through direct deposit or through cheque, and generally getting the books in order. I have decided to do this whilst I am fresh, and I am working through the accounts as we speak. Well, I am having a short break from it to protect my sanity, but I am getting the accounts in order. The pile of un-entered paperwork on my right is getting smaller, and the folder with all the entered stuff on my left is getting fatter… And the pile of receipts where I have paid cash is getting higher.

Seince more than 50% of the receipts are for Australia Post I think I really need to apply for an account with them. It would save so much time…I know I am missing some receipts for some other things – I just need to find them. I am sure they are on my desk here, somewhere. I hope I have not filed them… That would be bad 🙂

Doing this work early has its drawbacks… It is too darn early… I just entered an invoice for $245 and tried to say it was paid, but entered the $245 in postage… OOps, I almost had a $490 problem to fix.

My list of possible dog names is slowly expanding. A friend suggested BYTE would be a good name for a dog, and since then I have come up with a few more…

  • Byte
  • Bit
  • Unix

The names Bit and Byte should be clearly obvious. Unix may not be so straight forward. It could only be used for a desexed dog. To understand the reason for this you need to understand the derivation of the word Unix… You can see that here under History.