As mentioned a little while back I did a run just before lunch, and managed to do 7KM in 50m 25s. I am pretty sure this is the furthest and longest I have ever run. This was about 8.33 KM/H which is a bit slower than I had hoped, but frankly I do not care. I was trying to do the distance and I did it!!! 7KM is about half a City to Surf Fun Run.

I forget what course I did… And frankly it is hard to work out by looking at the plot from the run without going to each point, which I have not done. I did have a look at the course gradient, and found that it was mostly flat… The details are in the attached photo… But frankly I do not trust it all that much. Looks cute though. I weighed myself when I was having a shower after the run and found that I have lost another half a kilo. I am impressed with myself over that.

When I grabbed my lunch I also grabbed a new belt… I certainly need it… I only have one hole left on the belt… and I can use that one if I need to as well.

Oh… And I got a parcel from the USA today… Some stock that I had ordered… It was sent on the 15th in the USA, and got here today, which is the 21st. That is what I call good service. Now I just need some people to buy the hardware…