There are times that I feel that I have not got any work done. And then there are days like today that I am sure that I have not got any real work done. For instance there was a meeting this morning about a marketing exercise. Lunch time there was an hour long meeting at the preschool which I cannot go into, and then there was a debrief followed by a run and very little other work. Argh.

I saw the first episode of Brainiacs from the UK earlier this evening, and I am loving the show. Actually I am amazed at the experiments that they show on TV. I cannot beleve that they do the experiments that they do… And cannot believe that they get away the experiments that they do. Hillarious. One of the more bizzare was putting dynamite in the centre of kebab meat roll to see if it cooked it faster, and I dont think it did.

I am starting to get tired… Right now I am watching the West Wing on the ABC and I am not sure that I will be able to keep my eyes open. I woke up too early this morning, and I should have tried harder to get some more sleep. I think that I will sleep much better tonight because I am much more tired.