I am promising myself that I am not going to have a late night tonight. Two nights in a row after midnight is enough for me… Three is probably not a good idea. After finishing this entry I will be sending an email and then get some sleep. Having Mythbusters on in the background is not getting either task actually done.

The email has been sent, but it was not written in the way that I would have liked to… I knew what I wanted to say, but I really did not know how to say it. I am being asked to go on a strange trip, and I have some real concerns about it… I have read the DFAT report, and it is not good.

Tomorrow I think I will go for a drive with my laptop working on debugging some hardware… I need to test some hardware outside GSM range, and the most reliable way to do that is to get outside GSM range… Funny about that… Still, finding such an area around sydney might be slightly problematic. I will see how it goes tomorrow…