This afternoon I was doing some programming on a Rabbit controller… and something strange is happening. The unit has a ‘Watchdog Timer’ that is designed to restart the device if the software stops running. The problem is that the software seems to be acting as if the watchdog timer is triggering when the software is correctly operating. I just cannot get my head around what is going on. At this point I just need to describe what is happening as STRANGE! I have a few ideas to try out tomorrow…

I have also been reading more of Clive Cussler’s ‘Black Wind’, and it is one of those books that I am finding hard to put down. Clive writes a good story… The one thing you need to watch is that you should not expect the story to be too believeable. If you expect it to be believable then you will be dissapointed. These books are larger than life – escapism in the extreme.

I am starting to get tired… I may end up going to bed early tonight… I did try last night but the book was too good… I knew I should not have picked it up!