According to StopBadware.COM which is a corporate anti-spyware company, KAZZA installs spyware when it is installed without telling you, and is hard to completely uninstall. I know these two statements are hard to believe, but that is what the report says. Strangely Sharman Networks, the owners of KAZZA dispute this claim.

Slashdot.ORG asked their readers to come up with questions to ask a reader in Jordan. The responses are quite interesting, since I was supposed to be there next week and I have done some reading about the country.

And the SMH is reporting that the NSW government has lost another court case over fixed speed cameras. According to a newspaper report, I believe that this case relates to not providing the correct digital fingerprints on the photo used to gain a conviction. What I find really bizzare is that the RTA will charge you $11 for a copy of the photo but it does not contain the authenticating number at all… You can only find out about that by going to court. Strange.