Why is it that sometimes people cannot sleep in the middle of the night sometimes, even when they know they are tired? Right now it is 3:30AM and I have been awake for probably 45 minutes, and since I could not seem to get back to sleep I thought I would get up and check my email and the like. Living in a global economy I often get interesting emails overnight… Alas, not tonight… Just some spam and a few mailing list messages… All of which got put into the deleted items bucket. Ok… One of the mailing list items I forwarded on before deleting…

One of my friends found a strange item… A USB flash drive. What is strange about that? Not much, except that this one is 64 GBytes in size. Not a bad capacity. Finally a size that is reasonable. And if you can put it in a flash drive, I can see a 32 GByte version of the iPod NANO coming soon too… Unless Apple is scared of using the worlds supply of FLASH memory… If I was Apple I would be scared of that.

Anyway I think I am now ready to go back to bed for some more sleep… Good Night