Brainiac has come up with an even worse excess with microwave ovens… And they came up with one that I would never ever have thought of. They put a stick of dynamite and some ball bearings into a microwave oven. Actually I think it was one of the more dangerout ones since the ball bearings caused the microwaves to eat through the door mesh before exploding. A couple of liters of liquid nitrogen in the microwave was also rather explosive… perhaps even more so than the dynamite.

And Oh, No! They have just worked out what the smallest room you need to swing a cat… No, they didn’t use a real cat, but a stuffed one, and found that it was 2.5m x 2.5m…

Every time I go back to VB.NET and work on the toolstrip I get different results. Right now I have managed to get all the toolbar items and the menu into a single line, but not only do I not know how I did it, but now I have managed to get the menu to be the 2nd item on the toolbar, and not the first. The problem is that I cannot find much documentation on the new toolbar system.