I am feeling rested now after building yesteday… This week is liable to be a busy week so I was glad I got enough sleep last night. Tonight I have a meeting, and then tomorrow I have an early morning one on the central coast… I have not decided if I will stay in a hotel the night, or come home. Probably come home… Only adds an extra 40 minutes or so, and I am not planning to be up there quite that early… Maybe ariving up there at 8AM or a bit before. And maybe a meeting tomorrow night – we will see.

I have so many emails to go through today – needing to catch up with things from the end of last week. Programming to do, hardware to work on, and emails to send. I need to also catch up on all the things that I will not get a chance to do tomorrow… Need to go… A friend has just MSN’ed needing some assistance… more soon.