I got an email today from a uni in the USA wanting to set up tracking equipment on their fleet of busses for students. I am just wondering if I can get a trip to the east coast of the USA out of it… I hope so, but I am not convinced. Might provide some interesting logistical challenges none the less… Unless I can provide someone local to do hardware and software installations. Hmm. How hard can that be.

According to the BBC, The FBI is investigating a hole in the cooling water system in a nuclear reactor in the USA. They believe that the whole was deliberately drilled, but are unsure if it was drilled by someone wanting to do something wrong, or if it was someone who who believed that they needed to do it as part of their job as part of an plant outage. The FBI are not playing games either with a $100,000 reward being offered.

You know you are about to have a bad day when :-
* Your phone company rings you up asking if they can provide their bill on CD instead of on paper.
* Your monthly phone bill comes by Parcel Post
* And it says on the outside ‘Box 1 of 10’
* Your local post office rings to ask if you can collect your bill as it is blocking their deliveries
* You tell them it is OK to have the bill delivered by CD, and they ask if multiple DVD’s are acceptable.

Ok. So most of these are not real life examples, but I think they could happen…