There is a story in the SMH today, as well as most other news papers about a Uni of NSW student who did work on a search engine, who is now working for google. This sounds really really interesting. A friend of my brothers who just got a PhD from the Uni of NSW working on Artificial Intelligence is now working for google too. I am just wondering if the two are related. And since the Uni of NSW is not talking about the content of the technology, I am wondering if the PhD of my brothers friend might contain some more interesting revelations. A visit to the UNSW library might be reallly interesting.

Yesterday I commented about phone bills… But nothing is quite as bad as one from malaysia where a bill was received for about US$218 trillion. That is a lot of money. And they threatened legal action if it was not paid within 10 days. After all the interest on that money would be maybe US$30 billion each day. I am hoping that the bill was an error in data entry!