I have just found a strange problem in some tracker code. I have implemented a ‘state machine’ does a number of things in a sequence. The best way to think of a state machine is thinking of a recipie… Do step 1 and then step 2 and then 3 and four and five. In my case what I said at step four was that rather than using step five of this recipie I should then use step 5 of another recipie. Not good. Thankfully it is now working a bit better. I still have another bug to resolve, but I think it will be somewhat easier to track down. Well, that is my hope.

I am trying really hard to get it out the door today so I can ship it off… So that it can be at the client by first thing tuesday morning. Funny thing saying that on a thursday, but tomorrow and monday are both public holidays here in Australia for easter. Thankfully the code seems to be working really well… Post office here I come!