One of the unintended consequences of publicly showing your music tastes is that people (friends) can see what you are listening to, and actually suggest music to you. In this case I was listening to the John Denver song ‘Thank God I`m a Country Boy’. The tune is up-tempo and it sounds great, if it is somewhat dated.

So one of my friends MSNs me and tells me that there is another version of the song – techno style, and asks me if I have a copy of it. Not yet. Quick search on iTunes reveals that ‘Hampton The Hamster’ released this on their 2000 album ‘Hamsterdance: The Album’, and from the 30 second snippet on iTunes the new version sounds cool. From what I heard of the rest of the album there is no way I will be buying the entire album just for the one song. With legal music downloads these days thankfully I do not need to buy the album!

The Discovery WWW site is reporting on how dumb one of the members of the Marfia was. He decided to ecrypty some of the messages he was sending using a Ceasar Cipher. In the normal cipher, A is replayed by 1, B by 2 etc. In this case he replaced A with 3 and B with 4 etc. Slightly more secure but this has been cracked by kids for 2000 years… Some people just deserve to be caught!

Now Playing:
Pachellbel’s Cannon in D. I really need to get a copy of the Brian Eno version of this music… Followed by the Pet Shop Boys with ‘Always on my Mind’.