I dont know what is going on with the weather. Here it is at the end of april, and it is 6pm, and I have the front door open. I have bare feet, and shorts and a polo shirt on. No socks. No jumper. And I do not feel cold. THIS IS NOT RIGHT! There is something wrong with this picture. It is supposed to be cold. You never know, it could be raining this weekend for the greek easter… You never know.. .

I had tons of fun reading the review of The Veronicas in the SMH… With a jems like the quote below how could you not laught… “…They (the audience) are too old for the Wiggles, too young for Green Day, but ready to rock as hard as their watchful parents will let them… if anyone doesn’t belong here right now, it’s the 34-year-old guy making notes – which pretty much renders this show critic-proof”

Judging from the review I don’t suppose you go there to hear the singers sing… Really it appears more visual than anything… “You can’t hear much during large portions of the set, either, because these fans chant along boisterously to the Veronicas’ every lyric”. But the reviewer left the best for last… “..And the music? Imagine anthemic-rock titans Bon Jovi’s adoring kid brothers fronted by a pair of Kelly Clarksons alternating between tough and tender, and you’re close.”

Despite being an experience, and loving to hear live music, I think this is one concert I was glad to miss out on.

The SciSpot has an article on how to make liquid magnets! Sounds rather cool, and not particularly dangerous either.