I am not sure what is up with my internet access today. I am getting slightly over dialup speeds. I would be thinking that the my internet usage was capped except for a couple of things. Firstly this is the 1st of May, and any capping should have been removed as of midnight. The second thing is that the available bandwidth is occasionally increasing from about 10% o the available bandwidth up to 20% which is more than if capping was in place. Ok… There is a third reason why I know that it should not be capping… I cannot get into the WestNet accounting system which should not have access restricted to it.

Anyway, I have a few jobs for today… Probably the most important is to fix a datalogger. I think the power supply has failed. I know that the download cable has failed too, caused by the plugpack being killed by running it off an inverter in my car. Then I have the consulting project to get out the door with some code being written. Then there is my BAS and some more doccumentation to write.

Anyway I should get some work done. More later..