Pity that I have ethics and morals. Because it seems that many of the new cars with keyless entry and keyless starting can be stolen in 20 minutes using a laptop… The article has few details, but I am guessing that the idea is that you listen into the challenge the car is sending out, and work out what sequence it is using… and then try it. But since you need to get the car to send out the sequence the car refuses to open for 20 minutes after the bad attempt… Hmm. Interesting.

John Dovorak has published a list of eight signs that Microsoft is dead in the water. I do not agree. .Net is a great innovation, and the xBox is amazing. Pity that microsoft lost about US$180 per XBox made… It was too darn cheap!

Speaking of the XBox, there is a facinating story on Reed Electronics about the XBox 360 and the process of getting it built. The story is actually quite a good read…

Anyway, time to get back to documentation.. I am in the mood for it at the moment… So I need to get back before I change my mind!!!