There is a company in the USA called RSYNC. They are a company which will charge you $2/month to access their servers as a network Hard Disk. Basically they will offer you as much hard disk space online as you need, provided you pay for it. But as a way to make sure that the data you send them is kept private, they suggest you encrypt the data. But in addition to that, they have released what they call a canary.

The Canary is a statement that they make once a week that they have not received any court orders to hand over data, and have not been told that they cannot say anything. Users are advised to keep track of this page – and if it is not updated weekly then people know that there is something going on which the owners cannot talk about. Of course there is the potential that the owners might be required to make a false statement, but the system they have set up is quite amazing.

I was also reading The Register about UK government lost more than 1000 foreign citizens who were in their gaols and then released into the community rather than released and deported. Apparently, there is no legal requirement in the entire process of investigation, arrest, the court process, incarceration and release for the nationality of a prisoner to be determined. Strange.