Today has been rather busy… I raced over to Holroyd to do some work this morning… That was rather quick. Almost as soon as I got back I found out that I had a board meeting to attend… I knew it was on, but not the exact time. Well, I knew the exact time, just not the exact time here. You see the board meeting was in Dayton Ohio.

I ended up doing a teleconference for 90 minutes to the USA. This worked remarkably well thanks to the new conference phone that they had, and also the conference bridge that was donated for the event. One of the other people who was dialed in was saying that they had something like six inches of rain in the last few days. I told him we needed some over here. The meeting went well, but at the end I was invited to dinner tomorrow night in Dayton. Thanks to the international date line I could probably make it, but I have a previous engagement.

The president of the organsisation also was talking about his trip down for the meeting – driving in his convertable he was hit by hail on the interstate. In his words the road just suddenly became white with ice. He had never seen it so bad, and was wondering if we had hail down here in Oz. Um. YES!

Following the meeting I did a heap of cleaning – a real spring clean. Throwing junk out and doing a lot of vacuuming… But the house is now a lot cleaner…

The SMH is reporting that the ANZ Bank stuffed up with a heap of Mastercard transactions last weekend, and double billed people. This has now been fixed, but has been blamed on a tape being run a 2nd time. What amazes me is that they would still be using tapes. I thought they went out ages ago…

Dinner tomorrow night