About 10 days ago, Foxtel dropped their digital prices. What happened apparently was that they removed most sport out of the Foxtel package and made it an option. What I worked out was that with these new plans is that it is actually cheaper to upgrade the Foxtel to digital than remain on Analog. This is what I saw as happening when Foxtel Digital was released when it came out.

One of the requirements for Foxtel Digital is that a phone line for voting and Foxtel Box Office should be connected. Not that I intend to use either of these functions. But anyway over the next few days I need to put a phone outlet and socket near the antenna socket where the new foxtel box will go.

I have a few friends who are into scrapbooking, and the associated hobbies. I thought of them as soon as I saw this following Web Site… It is Photo Blocks. They are wooden blocks that have a portion of a photo on the top and can be used as a paper weight or similar. I think it just looks cute. Given the condition of my desk however it is not something that I would use very often…