Quick trip to the shops to get ice, petrol and Onion. Finding Onion at the shops was a real pain – they were hidden in the freezers, covered with ice. Whilst I was in the shopping centre the rain started pouring down. I hope that it is only a short shower, and this does not continue tonight. If we need to we can always put a tarp over the back verandah or put the BBQ out the front. The rain has stopped anyway so that is good.

Getting the Ice was no problem apart from the ice chest at the service station being locked which meant I needed to get it unlocked first. I am guessing that there is not a huge call for ice in Sydney at this time of year.

Our PM has been talking about using Nuclear power in Australia in the last few days. This is probably a good idea in the long term, subject to some environmental issues being sorted out, mostly with regard to waste. If they can locate the power station somewhere near the woomera range that would probably be a wise idea for any waste. This would also help solve the energy problem in South Australia too. The type of reactor I like is a Pebble Bed reactor that cannot melt down and also cannot have nuclear leaks since the coolant is Helium which is immune to being made into isotopes making it rather safe… It will be interesting to see how this plays out.