Foxtel has been installed – it was rather strange. The person who was installing it was obviously following the standard playbook on how they have to be installed. He wanted to unplug everything and plug it into the AV inputs of the VCR and the TV. I think. It was hard to work out what he really wanted to do.

I know for no real good reason that he did decide to install the SCART connector on the foxtel box to the AV input of the VCR. That was fine, although it would have been so much simpler to have just used the video output as before. Then he did not want to plug in the RF video connector that I use to plug into the other TV’s in the house. This was about a 30 second job to connect up the plug, but then it took some time to tune the TV’s.

The box did not include an instruction manual… Not surprising since it was rather easy to operate the unit. One thing that I am hoping the unit will do is lock out channels that I do not have access to…