There are some things that should be illegal and/or impossible. And please bear in mind that this is NOT an extensive list. The first is using SKYPE whilst on an international flight using the WiFi and broadband should be not only illegal but impossible. But it is neither.

Another thing that should be impossible us sitting in a shopping centre cafe drinking a coffee doing work. And I mean sitting there with internet access via GPRS. And then there is using MSN whilst on the road – like on a bus using a laptop. And certainly sending a voice clip of the background sounds to prove it is just plain nasty!

And to top it off, having KMart selling protable DVD players with screen and rechargable batteries, and remote control and charger for $129 should be right up there with faster than light travel and comfortable seats in the economy section of planes… Unfortunately (with the exception of the faster than light travel and the seats in planes) all of these have been proved to me in the last month or so.