One other thing I needed to do was to put in another power outlet. For some reason there are never enough outlets in any room, and they are never where you need them. Same goes with data and television outlets. It is very hard to have too many of either. Thankfully installing new powerpoints only takes a few minutes – at least when you have done a few… And it is almost impossible to stuff up installing them too, unless you drop a drill bit in the wall.

Tomorrow I have a couple of meetings over at Pymble… Basically a technical implementation meeting to try out some ideas, and this will be followed by a sort of project review. I expect both of these to be fun… Some of this will be to sanity check the work I have been doing with the WebServices – and believe it or not I have found a few things that have failed sanity check and need to be redesigned.

Inside this software I have been wanting to store a few bits of information… Some user id’s, as well as the complete message database row. Unfortunately there is only one ‘TAG’ row… I was wondering how to solve this, until I realised that I could store this data in a new array. Sometimes I forget about the basic way of doing things and only try the advanced. In five minutes I guess I will be testing my new code and I will see how it goes…