Personal Insight

Since this blog is my diary, I can write about whatever I like, with some limitations. But this is my place, and it is entirely a place for me. As you might have been able to work out, I love writing. I enjoy putting thoughts (and to a lesser extent feelings) down on paper, or at least into the computer. And if people enjoy reading the content here that is fantastic. If not, well, so be it.

Since my relationship broke down I have been using this blog as a way to organism some of my thoughts, and I think it has worked fairly well for me. It has allowed me to deal with what has been a stressful situation without loosing a sense of reality. Most of us have been in relationships which have broken down. From personal experience I can assure you that an engagement that breaks down is far worse than when it is just with a girlfriend (or boyfriend if the reader is a woman). Each of the emotions experienced with the breakup are amplified significantly. I would guess that they would be amplified once again in the case of a broken marriage.

Every day I feel better about life, and I look forward dating again as soon as the right person comes aroung. When will this happen? Who knows. But I am ready for whatever God brings my way.

Book Review

I had promised to write a book review for the book I got on Thursday. At just under two hundred pages I found the book easy to read. The language seemed simple and the chapters were rather short. The book was written such that I started reading the book at about 10:30 AM on a workday and had finished reading it at about 2:30PM the same day. I literally could not put the book down. It was that engrossing. And I have found some real insight in this book, But I am not going to review it. If you want to ask me about this book I would be happy to tell you about it. But I will not be writing about it


I finally got my scanner back and I love having it back. The only problem is that it is not working too well with my old laptop. And if I use my newer laptop then I cannot get other work done. Well, that is just how things go in this game I guess. ARGH.


Madonna with ‘Skin’ on random play. I am listening to Matchbox 20 in my car. They have some great songs, and some OK songs. DJ Sammy with the classic Bryan Adams song ‘Heaven’ is on Random Play now. Then Bruce Springsteen with ‘Born to Run’ from his Live CD set.