My friends at InstantEffects.Com have sent me a copy of the latest version of their software, or at least the a license key to allow me to download their software and install it. Surprisingly my nVidea graphics card only just meets the minimum specs – or in their language ‘partially meets the requirements’.

The video card I have is a nVidea GeForce Go5650 with 128 mBytes of Ram. Basically it was top of the line from a laptop when I got it. This card is a bit slow with the software, but it looks really cool.

Los Angeles

News.Com has an article describing what to do in LA. Not a bad little collection of a things to do in LA.

Problems with Blogger/PowWeb

I have been having a problem with Blogger.COM uploading to PowWeb. The issue has been that it cannot find The solution has been to add the IP address of the server rather than the name of the server. This was documented in the forum in the customer support area of PowWeb.