When I was at the end of Highschool I really wanted to build myself a Synth. Not that I had any actual ability to play at all, nor do I think that I actually had the ability to build the thing. It would have required a lot of work… Probably too much. Building a synth is really a lot of work…

You can read more about the kit synth here. It has simplified building a synth to something much simpler. I dont think I will build this, but it would be cool…

For the bad debters out there [not that any read this blog], comes an interesting letter from one of the phone companies in the UK. They send a letter on letterhead saying that the london bombings would be nothing if the person did not pay up. I am really hoping that it was a hoax, but it might not be. You can read more here

Lastly I just got a nice little thank you from a school student about my WWW site. He was looking for the latitude and longitude of his postcode and found my site… So nice to be appreciated…