I will probably have a run this afternoon… Depending on the weather that is. Well, I had some hail here about 11am, and right now there are pendulous storm clounds in the distance that might cause a whole lot of needed rain.

I have read some more information on the iTunes store… It opened at 3am aparently, and rather quietly. And there are also references to SonyBMG not being included. I do NOT intend to buy much through iTunes as I would rather buy the CD’s. But for the occasional song I think it will be good.

I am still looking at what to do here for a PABX. I need something. The options include SipAtHome – on the WRT54G, Asterisk, and SIPfoundry, theOpen source PABX. I have a feeling it will be SIPfoundary, and their free SipX product, but we will see.

Another important resource is SipBroker which is a way to easing the dialing of SIP phones around the world.