Eep… I have just solved a rather bizzare mail problem with my server. I had a report from a user who noted that mail to me was bouncing. The user even went so far as to send the bounce notification to me… And I could not find a thing wrong with it no matter how hard I looked. It came up with a ‘PostFix’ error of ‘Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table;’ which is a general error saying that the email address does not exist. I start searching for the problem, and keep looking and looking.

Then this morning I decide to look further. And I cannot even find the bounce messages saying user unknown. Hmm… What is going on here… Search a different way and I find it… But it takes ages. What is going on. I had originally thought it was something to do with SPF but that was not it. Then I start looking at the message very carefully and I found it. What had happened was that the email address entered was darry@ rather than darryl@. Notice the missing ‘L’! And that fixed it.

On a different subject come reports of a new show of the ‘Search for a Rockstar INXS’. This one is Search for America’s New Muppet Monster. I think things are going a bit far.

Right now I need to get ready for a job… I need to leave here soon and I will be out most of the day… I will have the laptop but suspect that I will not turn it on.