Radioactive Networks
In Car


     Introduction     AntiTracker Basic     AntiTracker Pro     PIC Processors     

The Anti-Tracker

The AntiTracker BASIC is designed so that the HAM RADIO community can recieve the benefits of the AntiTracker without having to go for the expense of the PRO model. This device will not upload positions in GARMIN Binary mode, nor will it upload any symbols assigned to objects. In fact, Symbols may even change every time a new position update is received.

One of the areas that most tracking systems concentrate on is acquiring GPS positions and getting them back into a central location. Some even send the positions back to the GPS tracking units.

What has not been done is create a distributed system in the field, reporting the positions without being tracked themselves. This allows significant cost savings in terms of not only equipment capital costs, but also in terms of operational costs including licenses and batteries.

With this in mind, Radioactive Networks have just produced what we are calling the 'Anti-Tracker'. Rather than develop the display interface, we have decided to use a commercially available interface - a simple GPS reciever.

Compatible GPS Receivers

Compatible GPS receivers include The Garmin GPS12, MAP168, GPSII+, GPSIII, GPSIII+, EMap(updated Software) , Etrex Venture, Legend, and Vista(with updated software), Garmin 45, StreetPilot III(with 2.11 and above software), and the GPS 12xl. Basically any GPS that understands the GPWPL NMEA sentance will work. This includes many Magellan GPS receivers too.

The GARMIN Etrex BASE MODEL WILL NOT WORK Neither will Garmin GPS-V, Garmin Street Pilot (First Version).

The position of all the users being tracked appears on the GPS receiever allong with any roads and other features programmed into the device. Then when the person being tracked moves, the icon on the GPS will move too.

Implemented Packets

For the technically minded, we will now include information on the packets that this device will decode -

  • Standard Position Reports
  • Standard Position Reports with Timestamps
  • MIC-E Position Reports
  • MIC-E Position Reports with Timestamps
  • Standard Object Reports
  • Standard Item Reports

Buying an AntiTracker

Radioactive Networks have arranged for Ron Graham Electronics to produce the AntiTracker Basic. The price for a completed unit is ???.

Building the AntiTracker

Our prototype is only about 2" x 3" making it quite portable. No circiuit board is available at this stage. This design uses four inexpensive IC's. The components we are using include a couple of PIC16F628's, MX614 and MAX232. None of these parts are expensive, and are available surface mount.

The circuit diagram of the AntiTracker can be found here. You will need to contact us for programned IC's or the HEX file to program your own. Please note that there are two pages to this circuit diagram. GIMP for instance will not read the second page. Kodak Imaging supplied with many versions of the Windows Operating System will work correctly.


The details code and circuit is being release for non-commercial *USE* only. If you are wanting to *USE* the AntiTracker for commercial purposes, or wish to produce kits of the AntiTracker, you will need to contact us. We have decided to allow HAM's to build the AnitTracker Basic themselves rather than force them to buy the IC's from us given our location in the world. We would appreciated a US$5 per AntiTracker Basic royalty if possible to help offset some of the development costs.

Part of Radioactive Networks business is doing GPS Tracking commercially in public events, and we need to protect any competitive advantage we may have. This is the reason that we are restricting the use of the AntiTracker Basic to non-commercial use - and was why the device was designed in the first place. If you wish to use the device in this way, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

In order to make a donation in order to aupport the development of the AntiTracker, please click on the button

Please support us by purchasing one of the items from the link below. Thank You

Experimenters Corner

Kirk Mefford has done his own version of the AntiTracker. You have have a look at the design at

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This page was last updated 2005-11-15 18:49:11
This page was last compiled 2005-11-15 19:15:07
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