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OziAPRS has been upgraded

For more information check out our pages describing netAPRS oziAPRS

Distributed Positioning for OziExplorer

This page describes some of the structure of OziAPRS and how it interconnects to create a distributed position reporting system based on TCP/IP. This page is still being updated.

The position of any OziExplorer station will appear as a waypoint on every other OziExplorer on the network.

The idea is that each OziExplorer computer can connect to other machines acting as HUBS, and also each copy of OziExplorer can operate as a HUB. In other words each copy of OziExplorer can operate as a client as well as a server for OziExplorer clients.

Getting OziAPRS Working

   Install the software

   Start OziExplorer Stat OziAPRS

   Set the Station ID with File|Set Station ID. This is commonly a unique callsign like VK2TDS-1 for instance

   Set the SERVER to connect to with Server|Set Server. This is commonly for testing (You may want to check that you can telnet out by running TELNET SECOND.APRS.NET.AU 10151 from the command prompt of windows

   Connect to the SERVER with Server|Connect to Server
If you are running your own network

   Dont set the connect under server YET.

   On the computer running as your HUB, select HUB|Listening

   Dont forget to enable NMEA on this computer

   Telnet into port 7000 of this computer and make sure data is coming out.

   On the computers that connect to this computer, set them up to connect to this computers IP address on port 7000 - for instance

   On the clients Select Server|Connect and also enable NMEA

   Positions should appear on other computers on the network

OziAPRS is a part of a FULL GIS system that allows moving objects to be tracked in real time and displayed on networked computers. The software will soon have the ability to contact other OziAPRS stations and track their positions in real time

One issue is how to move the positioning data around. Radio Modems work well, but this is not within the capabilities of most organisations. But there are other options. GPRS is a good way, ham radio works. SMS works, but is expensive. If you can move data around mobile, then you can use this.

If you would like to make a donation to assist in the development of this product please click on the button below.

The Entire OziAPRS Suite

The OziAPRS interface is just the first component of an entire system that will make complex applications possible. Other components and extensions include:-

   Client and Server connections between copies of OziExplorer, so that all the users in a cluster can combine their current positions to be displayed on each computer in a cluster, and have the data uploaded to other clusters

   The ability to save the positions over time in an Access Database, and play this data back as required.

   The ability to integrate to specialized GPRS/GPS standalone tracking devices

Who is Radioactive Networks?

Radioactive Networks is a consulting company with extensive experience in mobile tracking technologies. We have used these technologies successully in events as diverse as the 2000 Olympics, the 2002 IronMan World Championships in Hawaii to a technology demonstration in Hollywood, Ca.

Based in Sydney, Australia, Radioactive Networks have the experience needed to complete even the most demanding mobile tracking projects.

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Copyright © 1994-2006 Radioactive Networks ,
This page was last updated 2005-09-01 20:25:13
This page was last compiled 2006-02-21 14:49:11
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