Updating Album Art in iTunes can be a pain. But there is an answer. It is iTunes Art Importer from YVG Software Services. This is freeware, and works really well. Except that it crashes if your music files are set to be read only. Once I worked that one out things worked well. This program searches Amazon.Com for Album Art, and gives you a selection of possible matches. So far all the first choices have been correct.

It does not pick up on some obscure Australian stuff, but Amazon.Com does not know anything about them. The software could be more stable too, I think. But generally it works really well. Why it takes three minutes to search for Mariah Carey with ‘Butterfly’ I dont know, neither do I know why it returned about 100 entries. But this software does work well which is all that really matters. And the most serious mistake is switching Led Zepelin and Christine Anu… Don’t Ask…

So, how does the software work? Well, PeachPit has an article on how to program iTunes. I have also found This software which allows me to add a ‘Now Playing’ to my WWW site… Something to look at later.