I am beginning to fade slightly… I mean I am starting to get a bit tired. I have been up since 4am and that is a bit early. I hate jet-lag… I really do. Thankfully I have found that if I do not have much cafiene when I fly then things are a lot better.

I have been working through my emails. I am now close to what I had before I went away. I now have something like under 100 messages unread. And that number is quickly going down. I just had a phone call from a client, and I needed to look in my send items to find an email. I really was rather shocked when I looked at the emails that I had sent today and realized how many I had sent. Most were really really short messages

I have had a query from a company in cameroon wanting hardware and software. To tell you the truth, I needed to look up where this country was. Turns out it is in central africa. I can assure you that I will not be visiting… It is probably fairly dangerous I would guess…